Thursday, May 2, 2013

My alternative

My alternative? Stop being the part of this system...this democratic farce, this collectivist humbug and just be concerned about what you do. No voting, no movements, no concerns for negative things in which you don't have any direct contribution. Stop watching TV, especially news channel, don't read newspapers. Just and only your work - Honestly, sincerely. If you're a "cause" man, make self-improvement your only cause. There's a lot you can achieve when you channelize your energies and calibre towards this one single cause rather than wasting it in these superficial concerns. Be a hardcore individualist, deal with people you have to deal with with utmost integrity and rationality. Sounds impractical or utopian? You have all the evidence of the so called "practical" and "pragmatic" alternatives scattered all around you. See for yourself, think for yourself and choose accordingly. I have.