Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Demockracy, your days are numbered.

All of you - The perpetrators and the crusaders,

It'll be a sad sight...watching you fading away into the abyss with your flags, slogans, lost causes and squeals. Just like it's a sad sight for children to see the circus moving out of their town. But nope! Even comparing this to a circus is a disrespect to the talent, hard-work and courage of the circus performers. So, no circus. A pack of blind panicky cornered rats is what you are (Sorry Rats).

The bloody concept of democracy that you are so proud of, because it wipes out the whole difference between a village idiot and a rocket scientist, equating one and all by the sole criteria of "been born in the same piece of land defined by the boundaries defined by your leaders and governments", has almost reached it's expiry. Let me see how much longer can you sustain your "proud to be blind and still juggling" act. Well you might be blind and deaf, but one thing that you definitely are not is mute what's with all your RIGHTS to speech and express! You clearly shout a lot. And you all have an "equal voice". Perfect! Isn't it?

If you still don't get what I mean, if you still want to stick to your evasive tactics, the spectacle of current situation is enough and no argument is necessary or more powerful than the "Reality". But the question remains, "Can you see? Do you want to see?"

As a postscript, I'd like to add that amidst all the noise that you create, I've heard you trying to make me [and people like me] feel like I am a hater. I've heard you shout that I am a pessimist. I've heard you scream that I am anti-social. Well you who are NOT, see what your being YOU have brought this place to (You are the "Majority" aren't you? The fucking collectivist principle your sweet "Democracy" is based upon.)


  1. Demockracy. I like it. :)

    You know... it's like that Churchill quote... "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
    Our demockracy is essentially leeching. Of the people. By the people. For the people. Or just sulking like a four year old child and refusing to eat.
    I'd nominate you as the next president of this sorry country. This could be the first speech you give at the swearing in. You MAY just disillusion the brainless bleating sheep.

  2. If you could appreciate this, then you could also appreciate the fact that I'm not of a "be-in-the-system- to-change-the-system" persuasion. In fact, I'm not of any persuasion that wants to "bring" a change or lead any herd to a change. I'm too smart to be carrying a dead-load on my shoulders doing the Atlas act, you see :)

  3. And no, I won't help anybody else do it too whatever good intentions they might have. The system sucks and I don't and won't vote. I don't consider the value of my vote equal to that of a slum-dwelling or anywhere-dwelling mediocrity.

  4. Oui oui.
    I sympathise with you even more now.Actually doing nothing, while being completely aware of all failings is an arduous task that only a true pragmatic intellectual could competently handle.
    If only everyone would reach this delightful state. Ulcers and capitalism would be a thing of the past.

  5. Oh no no no...you didn't say that. Not you, not now. Capitalism? What's wrong with Capitalism, except of course the usual, "wrong people" in it tainting the best thing that has happened in a long time? Capitalism, my dear, is NOT what you hear from all the Michael Moores of the world nowadays. It's a system where 'able' and 'competent' were supposed to be rewarded for their honest hard work. It was started based on the best relationship that ever can be between two people. Of "Traders", offering and receiving "Value for value". E.g. What's wrong with a doctor getting rich by treating your ulcers (since you mentioned ulcers :)? He worked through a better part of his life acquiring the knowledge and skill to perform the most delicate operations, so that you could put enough trust in him to go under his knife. Similarly, what's wrong with a businessman getting rich by offering you products that raised your standard of life. Ask yourself, would you want a life of struggle and deprivations that we had 15 years back (no, the life was not "at least peaceful" even then) or a life made convenient and easy by the inventions and appliances, cars, planes and internet! Would you rather live without an AC in this city at this time of the year?

    So my point is, there's nothing wrong with it. What's wrong is the people ruining it like they'd ruin every thing by their urge for 'easy money' and 'cheap success'. The capitalists gave you Industrial Revolution, people ruined it with unions and bureaucracy. Capitalists gave you Television, people ruined it with "Reality shows" and "Sensational yellow journalism". Capitalists gave you Internet and Facebook. People ruined them with their drab and rubbish. Of course, there is a chance that even Mark Zuckerberg would deny being called a 'Capitalist' due to the sickness that people have attached to the concept, despite the fact that he did do it for Money (Capital). But then chances are that he won't. He should know better to abuse the principle that made him a billionaire and a popular figure at 26.

    So, I wouldn't want Capitalism to go. But I'd still like Demockracy to go (and the bloody bleating sheep with it of course). The difference is in the principles they are based upon. One rewards merit and judgement, the other undermines and exploits them.

    It's just like what happens with every decent thing. Like it happened with religion, education, art, movies, journalism, literature, philosophy and what not. You see what I'm trying to show you?

    Now if you still think "Money (or Capitalism) is the root of all evil", think again? It's the money earned by "Force, Fraud and Favour" that's the root of all evil. It's the Capitalism infested with dishonest and unscrupolous junta unwilling to 'earn' their money that's the root of all evil. There's a difference and the base of this difference again lies in the "Morality" of the people involved, which unfortunately is not something I'd put My Money on these days.

  6. Well, in THAT case, even pure democracy is a fairly noble endeavour as well.
    Capitalism isn't just this egalitarian, 'survival of the fittest' system any more.
    Earning the money you deserve, as you illustrated in those examples, is being completely doused in greed, isn't it?
    Down to people again? No system can remain untainted because man just kills everything, and succumbs to every little whim.
    That's probably why people sneer at poor Marx, and call him an idealistic fool.
    It's the PRESENT state of politics, and the modern capitalist ethos that we're condemning here, right? Rapacious greed and self-importance.

    You know... it's just the masses and the masses suck.

  7. Half right. What's pure Democracy?

  8. I mean the original system in which the people make collective decisions regarding their own governance. Maybe a system of fair representation, where the people can recall or impeach these reps. No autocracy or strict hierarchy- it is within the rights of the people to put forth initiatives, or veto unharmonious causes.
    I'm NOT saying it's a good system AT ALL. It was just maybe an attempt to put a positive spin on a society heavily riddled with atrocities, and in which their existed this stone set caste system, AND where religion tended to draw out a feeling of antipathy (Us).
    Of course people aren't equal. Nor do they know what's good for them, nor are they capable of peacefully making a system function. And definitely not something like democracy.

    Just... admonish THEM more than the the ideology. Can their be ANY order to successfully govern people? You tell me.

  9. Alright, we are on the same team then :) As for your question about an order to successfully 'govern' people, my answer is NO. The only thing that can make anything successful is if every Individual stops sucking. Simple plain-speak, but I think it doesn't need more than plain-speak to get this simple, yet somehow impossible point across. Call me an 'impractical' utopian dreamer, but we all are born with our own Minds and an empty cup of Morality for a reason.

  10. That's a lot to think about. Even more so after the 'debate' in the comments.
    That surely is an unconventional view and one worth respecting.
