Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fighting for Peace!

(Sigh)...These squabbles and belittling each other won't get you anywhere. There's a thing called "indifference" and there's a thing called "prudence". Prudence consists of being indifferent to things which are too petty to be obliterating the higher view of one's own existence. Distractions.

Then there's "knowledge" and "wisdom". Wisdom consists of understanding where and how much the knowledge is to be applied.

Now the tricky part is that you can do this, i.e. use your knowledge prudently (or not use for that matter), when you have a constantly unobliterated view of higher level of your existence! However, it's not as tricky as it sounds because having that view is simply knowing the answer to the question: "Is it interfering with my peace of mind or priorities?" If the answer is YES, it's not worth involving in.

You can minimize the already loud "noises" ONLY by not adding to it yourself. You know it doesn't deserve the importance you are giving it at the expense of your own precious and limited time. And as you keep seeking to make this a peaceful place, with good and genuine intentions that you do have, to that, creating peace outside is NOT your job, achieving and sustaining it inside IS. Leave outside be.


  1. The more peace a person seeks, the more noise he creates. Yes, this is true and ironical too.

    The mind has set itself to a system of unnecessary reasoning which starts with a problem and ends in a bigger problem. The not needed logic it applies results only in obviously poignant grief.

    This blatant mind never thinks the inferential way and continues dragging itself towards the start point of discussion, revolves and rotates around the same type of prejudices it has collected from other people's and its own past experiences and finally, swoons!

  2. Unecessary reasoning! Nothing like this ever existed.

  3. The reasons one present for arguments are inferred from the logic, his own logic that he understands as intelligent. Just to make simple things complex they over analyze the given situation by applying unnecessary reasoning.

    The unintelligent thought that comes out of a "mindset " is usually driven by an unnecessary reasoning!

    Just because someone HAS TO say something to make a point, even though worthless, explains that point by giving unnecessary reasoning.
    Unnecessary, because its just not required!

  4. At the basic level, these are mere language handicaps. There's no such thing called "own logic" or "unnecessary reasoning". Logic and Reason are absolutes which don't vary as "own or other's, unnecessary or important" etc., no matter what.

    If they vary at all, it's simply because they are flawed. "A will always be A", "1 plus 1 will always be 2", "Ice will always feel cold".
