Thursday, November 24, 2011


Logic and Illogic presuppose the existence of Consciousness, which in turn presupposes the Existence of Existence. So for something to "be" logical or illogical to something, the minimum condition would be the "Existence" of at least two things -
  1. That which is Logical/Illogical - i.e., something (let's call it A) which exists, and
  2. That to which the first is Logical/Illogical - i.e., something (let's call it B) that exists outside and apart from A (though not necessary) but necessarily is NON-A.
A would be Existence, B would be Consciousness. Now when you say "when nothing existed" (a statement which I do not subscribe to, but that'd be another story), you're only saying that there was nothing which was Logical or Illogical and to No-one.

As for the question Are there any facts?, yes there are. Existence and Consciousness to name two. These are facts, or another word for it would be Absolutes. When you try to deny the existence of an Absolute, by uttering a sentence like "There are no facts!", you're only committing a fallacy, because by speaking that sentence you're trying to utter an Absolute only.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


If you hear in the roars of a river,
A calling, as you do in the silence of jungle,
If you feel majestic and not just awe
To stand on a mountain, both proud and humble…

If you wish to breakaway, but haven't been able to yet
Or if you already are a wanderer who wonders,
If you're the kind to feel excitement and not fear
When you see lightening and hear loud thunders…

If you've fought to keep the spark alive,
If you're not the one who waits to die,
To escape all misery and reach heaven
As you know, the Earth is where peace and joy lie...

If you have the wings but feel tied to the ground,
If you're free in spirit but still somehow feel chained
And having earned success and all things good
You still feel there's something left to be gained…

If you've ever turned to Nature,
For rapture, adventure or reasons philosophic,
Or to get away from, if not to get to somewhere,
It's time to revive the quest, it's time to go Travelosophic.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Demockracy, your days are numbered.

All of you - The perpetrators and the crusaders,

It'll be a sad sight...watching you fading away into the abyss with your flags, slogans, lost causes and squeals. Just like it's a sad sight for children to see the circus moving out of their town. But nope! Even comparing this to a circus is a disrespect to the talent, hard-work and courage of the circus performers. So, no circus. A pack of blind panicky cornered rats is what you are (Sorry Rats).

The bloody concept of democracy that you are so proud of, because it wipes out the whole difference between a village idiot and a rocket scientist, equating one and all by the sole criteria of "been born in the same piece of land defined by the boundaries defined by your leaders and governments", has almost reached it's expiry. Let me see how much longer can you sustain your "proud to be blind and still juggling" act. Well you might be blind and deaf, but one thing that you definitely are not is mute what's with all your RIGHTS to speech and express! You clearly shout a lot. And you all have an "equal voice". Perfect! Isn't it?

If you still don't get what I mean, if you still want to stick to your evasive tactics, the spectacle of current situation is enough and no argument is necessary or more powerful than the "Reality". But the question remains, "Can you see? Do you want to see?"

As a postscript, I'd like to add that amidst all the noise that you create, I've heard you trying to make me [and people like me] feel like I am a hater. I've heard you shout that I am a pessimist. I've heard you scream that I am anti-social. Well you who are NOT, see what your being YOU have brought this place to (You are the "Majority" aren't you? The fucking collectivist principle your sweet "Democracy" is based upon.)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

"...Forever and ever more than ever..."

There shall come a day when you'll know what I know now. Until's yours to keep walking and mine's to keep waiting.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Allegory: Glaciers of Greatness

...Well what of Them chief?
Look. They move on slowly, very slowly. They inch away from Their erstwhile grandeur, yes, there seems to be a resistance in Their motion, an apprehension. Something pulls Them back.

A memory.
A memory too strong and too glorious to let go.

A past.
A past too close and too proud to give away.

Then why do They have to "move on"?
It's in fact more of "dragged on", but since there is no other choice left to Them, move on, dragged's all the same.

Who drags Them on? Or who forces Them to move on?
It is a force, that tears Them away from that splendor. It's this force that reduces Them to half solid, half fluid. Yes, it is a force, a negative force, of things external, manifesting its ill-effects and claiming a life at a place where it doesn't have a place to be. It's this force that makes Them move on...if not kills.

What happens thence?
Well, They move on, carrying the fragments of the magnificence that once was, holding them close and tight to Their chests. The loss of such solemnity to such an inferior enemy is too much to take but They still try to be indifferent to this idea of loss and victory as They always had.

How does that help?
It doesn't. They can't stay indifferent for long or to any avail. The enemy is too blind to notice the indifference and wouldn't stop gnawing on Their nerves, so what indifference? It wouldn't stop until it has pulled Them into a pathetic battle of survival where only the vicious are the fittest to survive. But They try not to think of it.

Not much of an option.

So They just keep moving on...until?
Until Their last remnant of form and least bit of force is lost and mixed up in the muddied waters of...well, the lowlands. Eventually. Muddied, polluted, stinky and stagnant, there is no They left then, nothing of Them.

OK. There IS something left of Them.

Thank you.
Pleasure ought to be mine.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Clean slate

A clean slate sucks if it remains clean for too long.

...Like my head.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I will never do it in my life because it's wrong.
That's just your opinion. Have you ever heard this? - "It's unbecoming of young men to utter maxims." It's from a philosopher from ancient times.

What does it mean?
It means young people should not make statements like that without having essentially and thoroughly tested them on two things - Reason and Experience. In other words, without thinking it through and without having gone through the situation in context oneself. However, there are certain situations which lie exclusively in the domain of Morality and doesn't necessarily need a first-hand "experience", but then it needs that much rigorous supplementation on the Reason front. Only after that, the case for "opinions as convictions" holds. But we won't wander in that realm for this present purpose. We'll stick to, "You are young and you don't utter maxims, non-exclusive to Morality, so to speak."

Fair. But that doesn't quite make the distinction clear between young and old. When is one considered old enough?
When the count of one's real experiences become more than one's mere opinions.

And how to keep these counts?
You don't have to. Experience takes care of it.

I'm confused.
You are young. And drifting from the point.

OK. What did you mean by "real experiences" and "mere opinions"?
Experiences are what one collects as one moves along the path of life. It's what he comes out with, from situations, having entered those situations empty-handed or with certain amount of knowledge and opinions. Anyhow, all that collected treasure is your real experience. "Mere opinions" or just opinions, on the other hand, are what one forms about a second-hand situation based on those collected experiences (some people do use Reason as well, some don't), as a substitute to the still uncollected experiences. But only for so long. It's good to have opinions about as many things as possible, on as wide as possible range of subjects but they should always be left in a free, flexible, transitory state so as to keep them from changing into unbending "convictions" without having gone through the two essentials I mentioned earlier.

Reason and Experience.
Always. Furthermore, opinions have their origins in experiences (collected by some and passed on to others) and experiences are the opinions gone through a process and transformed over a period of time. It's like the relation of a shoot and a branch of a tree. A shoot comes out of a branch and grows into a branch.
So, it's when the count of your experiences exceed your mere opinions that you cross over from being "young" to the "old". It's then when you become qualified to utter those so called maxims. Having acquired the wisdom from concrete, first-hand intercourse with similar specific situations. It is any time better than having drawn it from imaginative or passive media. And reliable.

So what should the young people do until they don't get qualified enough?
So long as you are young, you just need to be wary about not mistaking those opinions as some unchangeable, carved-in-stone principles that'll govern the course of your life ahead. There shouldn't be anything water-tight or inflexible about them. And though you are bound to find your opinions in conflict with others', it should be You yourself who's willing to challenge and change them first.

What about you? Are You old?
No. But I'm the young man who doesn't utter maxims now know what.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

(Not) The Second Choice

A flower sad
For not being the first
To be touched by a butterfly.

A branch
calling itself second
to be a wandering bird’s perch.

A raindrop lamenting
Not being the first
To kiss the earth.

of a year
mourning not being winter.

A cloud sorry
For not being the first
To be moved by the wind.

The indigo of a rainbow sad
About not being
The violet.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Act

What's going on outside? What's all that noise?
A wedding. I don't understand why are all these people so happy when it's just two of them who're getting married? What's all that cacophony and blocking the roads, all that dancing, fireworks, trying, but NOT succeeding in not looking stupid because they're all so dressed-up for all this! Oh, I know why.

Because...two people can fuck now.

Oh...Political correction: Because two people can live together now. Spend their lives together, raise a family together...all that.

...Something which they couldn't before they allowed it. But now they allow. It's a victory for them.

You mean it's a victory for the couple?
No. Two more people getting inducted in another one of their holy "institutions" is a victory for People Power!...I mean the ones who are doing the Victory Dance.

I think it's a win-win.
I think it's a racket.

Friday, February 4, 2011

An experiment

Well how do they do it (if they actually do it)?! Come to their blogs, pick a random subject and put up a perfectly NICE post. Right then, right there! I'm sure they don't do it that way. Because nobody can do it that way. Well, at least I cannot do it that way.

See I'm trying now, but it's just not happening!


Sigh...(It's not a nice feeling to be on a blog site and finding yourself at a loss of words. That's plain demoralizing.)

Napping is a better idea. For the time being...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Song, Gone Wrong

Hello, here I come again,
Little bitter, little vain
Venom spit, honey drip,
Let me see which way I trip.

I came to write a happy song,
But as it happens, I was wrong,
Here I go, who was I fooling?
You may even stop drooling.

The reason I have changed my mood,
Is first I have to think of food.
And of the bills and of the rents,
Or else sleepin' in the tents.

Money cannot buy you joy
I'm sure was said by one rich boy,
But for me now, to hell with honey,
'Coz I'm fuckin' out of money!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Strings attached

Some random things that crossed my mind...and eyes...and ears -

A pearl string, drop of wine, waft of climbing roses, a twinkle, a blue marble, a descending snowflake, rustle of a kite, a banyan silhouette, confetti, a skyline in evening, a ripple, flute on still water, an echo in wilderness, smell of bamboo, a far light on a mountain, a swan in flight, a touch, pollens on a flower, a gift wrap and ribbon, mother, a green patch, smoke-ring, a star, dew drop at a red maple tip, effervescence, a gloworm, a red-white floral dress, a puddle under a great tree, silver moon, a windsweep on a meadow, an ant on a plant, morning glory, a shrub against the sky, quiet...
Good night...and morning...which reminds me having read somewhere, "Morning begins somewhere in the night."

Well then. Time to mix some slumber with that ember in the sky.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I'm so many persons within one...I'm as numerous as my emotions. And for each person, there is a friend, each separate. Why aren't You a common friend?...